Tuesday, April 05, 2005


Everyone knows that a radio works by tuning into different frequencies to pick up each individual radio station. That means that each frequency is able to carry different noise. This technology was originated with the telephone line and has also been applied to TV, satellite and just about any and every technology that can, and will, exist. But what about life itself? Is it possible that we live on one frequency and there is a completely different "life" on a separate frequency? Maybe instead of exploring space for life we should be exploring out own back yard instead! I'd volunteer myself to go to a different frequency, but then again I wouldnt want to turn out like John Lithgow's character from The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai.

Imagine a light spectrum and its different colors (remember ROY G BIV from middle school? or at least my middle school, perhaps it was high school or college for you dolts;)). Each color represents a different frequency. Now imagine that spectrum on a larger scale with each color representing a different frequency of life! Naturally, this spectrum wouldnt be limited to the visible colors, there would also be life emitting from the ultra-violet frequencies, the x-ray frequencies, and on and on and on.

Is it possible, or is it purely a hypothetical dream that I have had (and I am sure I am not the first to have it, I am truly not that gifted)? One hundred and fifty years ago who would have thought that dialog and images and date could be transmitted through different notes, yet today it is a part of everyday life. Who knows what possibilities exist today that we havent even begun to fathom!


  1. Anonymous4:02 PM

    I completely agree with your frequency theory. Obviously I'm in the crystal-clear satellite range somewhere while the majority of society is between channels on the AM band... *SQUWWWWEEEEE-HOOONK*
