Here we go
So here I am, sitting in my office, which, by the way, could possibly be the most depressing office anywhere in the world, with nothing to do but sit here and wait for the fuckin day to be over. WHy is it the most depressing office anywhere in the world? Quite simply because there are no windows and all and the size is no bigger than a medium sized closet. There are positives to this office, namely that I dont have to deal with the crazy spewings of my insane boss, and also that if I wanted to I could spend the whole day naked and no one would know any better (thank the building supervisor for double dead bolts!). So, should I get naked and dance around for the rest of my time here or should I act like an appropriate employee and stay clothed? Dare I pull out my cock and, gasp, even spank it around a bit? Too bad I have a dial-up connection here at work, otherwise downloading porn would be an option.
Of course I am kidding in all of this, I would never do anything that would be deemed as inappropriate while at work, I save all of that stuff for when I get home. I have to be honest, I have a crack problem. I love smoking the glass dick and the feeling of that overpowering tingle that goes thru my body when I put the pipe to my everwaiting lips. I cant wait to get over one spell just so I can go back and do more. If smoking crack was like a porno you could call me Linda Lovelace.
Have you ever wanted something so badly that you just had to steal it? Well, I havent, but I am getting the urge to rob from a store, so I am thinking about how I should go about that. I guess I should start small, with say a 5 and 10 store? Maybe jak some gum or perhaps some tic-tacs. Then I could move up to a Rite Aid or CVS and steal a magazine or maybe some sepositories. My next step would be a clothing outlet, TJ Max for instance, where I could take a pair of bloomers or one shoe. After that I would have to hold up a department store and fulfill my need for a fondue pot and a ruffle sheet. Finally, I would graduate to robbing banks where I would burn all of the files holding farmers loans because those farmers deserve a better deal. Shit, they grow our food, they at least deserve as much money as those starving Sally Struther children in Africa get. "17 cents a day can feed a whole family in Africa," imagine what kind of life that would give to our farming clans!
I hate having to be all civil on the telephone at work, pretending to like some lady and act all cordial towards her when in my mind I only want to strangle her last breath out of her. I can stand just about any kind of person as long as they act right and in my mind, nitpicking at every detail of something that was written before my time at this company just isnt right. For starters there is nothing I can do to change what was written before I became a part of the process. Furthermore your constant badgering and calling to discuss things over and over again is neither productive or, in all actuality, a good business practice. It only makes me dislike you even more. But such is the plight of the middle aged, lifelong middle-management female. By the way, being female has nothing to do with it, I just mention that because she has a vagina and in the eyes of the medical field that has her categorized as a woman. Then again, I dont have proof that she doesnt have a penis, so maybe I should just leave that part out. Its a good thing that my life is just starting out, so I know that I will be around a lot longer and move a lot higher than she can possibly envision. After re-reading that statement I am now thoroughly depressed.
Back to smacking my stump, better clean up good when I am done!