East Loch Ness
The monster comes out of the sea, looking from side to side to see what it can eat. It is big and green and slimy and moving slowly up the beach. It was dark, and gloomy, and foggy. No one was on the beach. It was 4AM. Finding no food, the monster made its way back into the ocean, never to be seen again.
I was there though. I saw the monster. I was on the board walk. I broke into the "Boardwalk Rides" to go on all the rides that I couldnt afford to pay for during the hours that the place was in operation. I was on the Ferris wheel when I saw the ocean open up and the monster make its way onto the beach.
It looked rather hungry, at least in my interpretation of what a hungry monster looks like. The fog moved aside as he walked along the beach, almost like a curtain opening up on a stage. Once out of the water the monster shook all of the ocean water off of itself, like it was a dog coming out of the rain.
I took pictures, but I am waiting for the biggest offer to sell them. So far the national enquirer has offered $500,000, but I am waiting for a cool mil.
I also rode the tilt-a-whirl, the tea-cups, and the bumper cars, which arent really that fun if you are by yourself. I couldnt make any food since it would take too long to heat up the oil that everything is cooked in, but I did sip on a Pepsi as I watched the monster walk up the beach.
I can only guess that the fog horn muffled the sound of the moving iron of the Ferris wheel.
The homeless population has decreased recently, and there is a lot of missing house pets.
It had a horn on the tip of his nose, just like all good monsters should, and its feet were webbed, which makes sense since it is aquatic. Its nostrils were wide and spitting ooze as it breathed.
The Ferris wheel is pretty hard to control when you are the only person around. You have to get it started and then jump on when a car comes spinning around. Getting off is even trickier. You have to time your leap well enough so that you can avoid the support poles, but also land with enough space to stop before the end of the boarding strip.
The monster had thick, long legs and a long tail with a fin at the end for propulsion. Its arms were smaller, but still thick with muscles. It also had spines down the length of its back.
As the monster swam back into the ocean the fog rolled back in and serenity of the early morning returned. Dont tell anyone about what I saw, it's a secret for now. I also dont want to lose my opportunity to ride the rides for free.